Wednesday 3 May 2017

Story of Todd

This is a blog about the little kitten we found in a garbage bag which was thrown in a hedge.

So on the 1st October 2016 I had a message from a friend saying that she has found a kitten along a main road in a black garbage bag in a hedge along with a few more kittens, she tried catching all of the kittens but unfortunately the others got away, I have seen the kittens to this day which belong to a farmer now. So thank god they lived!

But, we managed to catch this feral kitten which was stuck in my friends garden with the bag around him, he ran into her shed and they managed to lock him in until I got him to the home. He was very thin so I wanted to take him to the vets in the morning as I was concerned just in case he had a infection or virus due to being outside so young with no mother.

That day, I had him in my room with his litter tray and some food and water, he was extremely scared and wouldn't come anywhere near us. He stayed there from around 6pm till 8am next morning, I couldn't get to the vets in time so I had to take him in the morning.

Well I tell you that was so fun trying to catch a feral kitten running around my room! Ha!

So, we took this tiny kitten to the vets and I had an idea that he may be around 4/5weeks old due to having kittens in the past so I knew roughly how old he was, the vet confirmed that he was in fact 4weeks old and had a health check, the poor thing was extremely scared and crying like mad.

Then the vet said "So what's the decision here, are you going to take this kitten in or keep him here so we can take him to a rescue centre. Choice is yours"

And quite quickly I insisted that he will have a loving home at mine and will not be spending his days in a rescue, so he was mine and I was so happy to know he was healthy even though he was very skinny, so to make things worse for the poor thing as I've got all my cats microchipped, I got him chipped too. He stayed very still fair play and didn't cry once, decided on a name which was Todd named after a childhood film called 'The Fox and The Hound' which if you've seen the film the little fox is named Todd, so I thought it fitted with the little guy, after that we took him home.

After a few days I introduced my other kitten -Bonnie- in with Todd. Well I have to say it was so funny watching him stand on end running up to Bonnie and pretending to be a 'Big man' it was hilarious!

Then a few months passed and all the cats, despite a few tiffs at the start now all get along very well.
Below are a few pictures of when we caught him, his first night here and a few other pictures of his days living with us. He is a very naughty boy. Always up to mischief! But when me and my partner go to bed, he loves nothing other than lying on us and sleeping, purring away!

But I'm very happy to say that he's a healthy baby boy now and is extremely loved by everyone, I'm very happy to know that we got him from the worst starter in life to now being this beautiful boy.

Hope you enjoyed this blog about my little Todd, see you soon!
This is the first picture of Todd, this was when he was locked in the shed.

After we got home from the vets, Todd fell asleep on the sofa he was still very scared at this point.

I woke up in the morning and felt something sleeping by my chest, Todd snuck up into my quilt and slept there until he woke up.

Todd has his first collar!

Todd and Bonnie, both on my bed they were being naughty and attacking one another, I caught them and they both looked at me as if to say "We aren't doing anything mummy"

Todd Bach fell asleep on me whilst watching YouTube.

The troublesome two. 
Bonnie and Todd

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