Tuesday 2 May 2017

Little Nightmare Game: Review

This blog is about the newest game called Little Nightmares, this game gave me the creeps and also captured my imagination. A well and truly brilliant game, if you'd like to continue to read then awesome!

⚠️ This may give away spoilers so just a word of warning now ⚠️

So the game insists of you being this small little character who's called Six you help her through so many little obstacles and they have a few puzzles for you to solve.

It's a creepy game as the characters within are very strange, the way they look, move and speak.

The characters within the game are:
* Six:
She's a mysterious little girl who wears a yellow raincoat, she's a prisoner in the Maw along with other children, with only a lighter to show her the way through dark places she endlessly tries to escape The Maw.

* Nomes:
These rather cute little nomes are what to believe to be classed as 'vermin' on board The Maw, they're extremely skittish and run away from most creatures, they also are often killed if they try to be friendly towards others. You can use Six to approach them very slowly to pick them up and give them a hug, throughout the game I find these to be really cute in a odd way as they make these really weird noises to indicate they're near you, they try and help you through the game also.

Now for the creepy characters:
* The Janitor:
Never have I been so creeped out when I saw this very creepy person.  He has long arms and wears a dark coat and hat. One scene is when Six is really hungry, she's struggling for food and she finds herself in one of his traps, throughout a good part of the game you're hiding and running away from him. If he catches you, there's no way of getting free. I think his main job in the game is to keep the prisoners (children) from escaping, he has a rather strange collection of what appears to be either killed children or dolls. Creepy or what?!

The thing I noticed most about him are obvious his incredibly long arms, but his skin.... his skin is very horrid looking, it looks like a old sock scrunched up to the point where he cannot see. This is a definite advantage, you have to sneak past him in a few parts of the game, if he hears you, you need to RUN! 

* The Twin Chefs:
These guys gave me the creeps, big time!
Within the game you must overcome a vast variety of obstacles and challenges which you must complete before going any further, you've passed the long armed creep then a monster which nearly drowns you in a pile of clothes... And now to top it all off is the absolutely horrid chefs. They treat children, Six and the Nomes like vermin in their kitchen and if you're seen then you have to run as fast as you can, you must try to stay hidden wether that's hiding in the cupboards or under the tables, you mustn't be seen.

Their faces are a lot like the skin to The Janitor, but these two look like they're faces have been melted! Their noises which they make when they're walking around or if they see you are so disturbing. The first chef you come across, looks very sad or tired. The second chef has more of a wider face and has redder hair, that's the only differences between them as far as I could see. Both absolutely creepy and would give me nightmares too if I were Six!

* The Guests:
I won't spoil this part too much as I thought it needs to be kept pretty eerie. Basically throughout the game the chefs are preparing food, at one bit of the game you are outside The Maw and climbing up a chain, you see a bunch of people boarding The Maw and they're all fat, lazy and greedy! Some of them wear Noh-like masks in the game, they are seen dressed nicely despite their disgusting nature.

* The Lady:
You rarely see her throughout the game, except near the ending. In the game you find these figures which you pick up and smash on the floor to earn a trophy. They're hidden much like the Nomes but you smash them and hug all the Nomes you get a trophy.

Back to this, in the game you see mirrors which are smashed all over the place. Near the ending you face The Lady who wears a white mask and a kimono, she gracefully surveys her guests and horrifyingly haunts Six's dreams.

The website for the game states that The Lady believes the outside world is going insane and that The Maw is her last change of domain of order, in a sense it's true as in the game you can definitely feel that presence in the way the game is. She goes to some pretty disgusting and horrifyingly wretched ways to keep it her way, which involves child abduction and second degree murder.

On one part of the game you're in her quarters, she's singing in a broken mirror which is a big hint in the game. 

Unfortunately as I want you all to experience this game as I did... I don't want to spoil anything else. It's a twisted and amazing game.

I absolutely loved it and would definitely give it 8.5 out of 10. 

The only thing is that I wished it would've been longer and the puzzles should be a big harder as for someone like me, I love puzzles in games and work through them very quickly. But yes, on the other hand this eerie game gave not only me, but my partner and a few of my siblings the creeps when they watched me play it.

Below are the pictures of the characters listed above. I hope you liked this Blog and I'm thinking of writing a few more about games, animals, personal information and anything else which may pop in my head! 

                   Thank you and speak soon!

This is Six as you can see, she's so small, even the key is massive compared to her.

This is what the Nomes look like, they're pretty small and very shy.

This creepy long armed man is The Janitor.

These mangled faces are The Twin Chefs.

This is one of the Guests, you meet this one in particular within the game.

And finally... This is The Lady.

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